Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)

Aldrovandi e i libri di Aristotele: una spigolatura

Diego Baldi
Università di Bologna

Published 2024-07-12


  • Ulisse Aldrovandi; Theodor Zwinger; Aristotle; Bologna; History of libraries.

How to Cite

Baldi, D. (2024). Aldrovandi e i libri di Aristotele: una spigolatura. Aldrovandiana. Historical Studies in Natural History, 3(1), 82–90. https://doi.org/10.30682/aldro2401g


The manuscript n. 83, belonged to Ulisse Aldrovandi and today kept by the Bologna University Library, has some papers within with the common title of Bibliologia. One of them is an extend De bibliothecis about ancient and modern libraries. The unpublished section about the Bibliotheca d’Aristotile is analyzed in this paper and its literary source is individuated in the Theatrum Humanae Vitae by Theodor Zwinger.